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Levelling system ensures flatness between tiles avoiding movements during the mortar setting.
This reduces the time for the ceramic laying obtaining a perfect lippage-free finish.
A fast and 100 % effective tool.
Applicationa and main features
Recommended in formats from 60×60 cm | 24”x24”
Indispensable in rectified ceramic, porcelain, cladding and large formats.
Flatness between tiles is guaranteed and laying time reduced.
Avoid movements between the tiles due to the mortar setting.
Minimum 1 mm joint space (available 1, 2 and 3 mm) Compatible with tile spacers.
1.- First, set the tool to the scale according to the ceramic thickness.
2.- Introduce the crossheads and continue laying the adjacent tiles.
3.- Put the wedges in the crosshead manually.
4.- Tighten the wedges with the pliers to level the pieces.
5.- Allow for setting for the time recommended by the manufacturer of the adhesive cement.
6.- Remove the crossheads. Hit the crosshead with a rubber mallet or with your foot in the direction of the joint.
Do not hit the wedges.